Edit me

Creating a new project for an existing plugin.

This requires the IDE, toolchain and libraries already to installed and set up.

You may also want to take a look at the Code::Blocks templates, a tutorial can be found here.

Existing source files, can be turned into a Code::Blocks project. This requires an existing Makefile that will be used. One can be found for example in the example_plugin.

Creating the project files

  1. Click on File -> New -> Project on the menu bar.
  2. Choose Empty project and press Go
  3. Click on Next
  4. Set a project title
  5. Fill in the path of the (existing) project
  6. Make sure the resulting filename is correct (removing on directory)
  7. Press on Next
  8. Choose the GNU GCC Compiler for PowerPC (HighTec)
  9. Press Finish

Configure the project - setting custom makefile

  1. Right click on the project and choose Properties
  2. Tick the checkbox at This is a custom Makefile, to a custom Makefile.
  3. Save the settings by clicking on Ok
  4. Right click on the project and choose Build options
  5. Go to the tab "Make" commands
  6. Set Build project/target to make -j8
  7. Set Clean project/target to make clean
  8. Save the setting by pressing Ok

Configure the project - adding include paths
To have the best experience with the auto-completion, you need to add the header of all linked static libs.
This can be done with the following steps:

  1. Right click on the project and choose Properties
  2. Open the C/C++ parser options` tab
  3. Add all missing include path using the Add button.
  4. Save the settings by pressing Ok.

Common include paths would be:


Adding the source files
To add the source files:

  1. Right click on the project and choose Add files recursively...
  2. Choose the project folder (should be default)
  3. Click on Ok
  4. Click again on Ok
  5. Click one last time on Ok

Now you should see your source files and can modify them. Try to build the project with CTRL + F9

Creating a new project from the scratch
