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To be able to compile the loader, you need to already have installed the toolchain and required libs.
Make sure to also install DevkitARM!

Compiling the loader

Before the loader can be compiled, dependencies need to be installed. This can be either can via an experimental bash script or manually.

Installing libraries via bash script

The plugin system provides an experimental bash script that clones all needed git repositories and builds/installs these libraries.
The script can be found here

Before the bash script can be used, make sure you have the following tools installed and set to your PATH variable.


This script creates a new directory portlib_repos where the repository will be stored. When running for the first time, the repositories will be cloned, built and installed. Running a second time will update the repositories and rebuild/reinstalled the libraries on updates.

Installing libraries manually

The loader has some dependencies, a full list can be found here:

  • libiosuhax (Build WITHOUT the WUT flag set.)
  • libfat (Build with make wiiu-release && make wiiu-install)
  • libntfs (Build with make wiiu-install)
  • dynamic_libs for access to the functions.
  • libutils for common functions.
  • libgui for the gui elements.

Install the according to their readmes. Don’t forget to install their dependencies.

Note: Don’t forget to install the WUPS library

Other dependencies

All needed dependencies are in the “loader/libs” folder of this repository. Extract the “portlibs.zip” archive into your devkitPro directory. The archive includes:

  • zlib


Then call the following command in the “loader” directory.


This should create an wiiupluginloader.elf which can be loaded with the Homebrew Launcher.


  • When you change code in the mocha files, this isn’t detected by the Makefile. You need to do a make clean beforehand in this case.