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To use extra functions on the plugins, you can add macros. The following list give a short overiew about all existing macros:

macro Description
WUPS_FS_ACCESS() Allows plugin access the sd card
WUPS_ALLOW_KERNEL() Used to request access to kernel functions
WUPS_ALLOW_OVERLAY() Needed to able to open an overlay


This macro will inherit the fs functions from the loader (open, close, read, opendir etc.). This allows the plugin to access the sd card (sd:/) or fat32 usb device (usb:/) if connected. The ON_APPLICATION_START macro holds information if a sdcard or usb device was mounted and can be used.

// Called whenever an application was started.
    DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("SD mounted? %d\n",args.sd_mounted);
    DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("USB mounted? %d\n",args.usb_mounted);


Description: This macro requests the access to function PPC kernel functions. The loader may restrict the access.
The ON_APPLICATION_START macro holds information if the kernel function are actually usable.


// Called whenever an application was started.
        OSFatal("The diibugger plugin needs kernel access!");
    // Normal code

When the plugin has access, the following functios can be used:

    Reads a 32bit value from a given address with kernel rights.
    This function only has an effect if the plugin has the "WUPS_ALLOW_KERNEL" hook and the loader is NOT blocking the kernel access.
    The argument of the ON_APPLICATION_START hook provides the information if the plugin has kernel access which should be checked before using/relying on this function.
uint32_t WUPS_KernelRead(const void *addr);

    Write a 32bit value from a given address with kernel rights.
    This function only has an effect if the plugin has the "WUPS_ALLOW_KERNEL" hook and the loader is NOT blocking the kernel access.
    The argument of the ON_APPLICATION_START hook provides the information if the plugin has kernel access which should be checked before using/relying on this function.
void WUPS_KernelWrite(void *addr, uint32_t value);

    Copies data from a source address to a destination address for a given lenght with kernel rights.
    This function only has an effect if the plugin has the "WUPS_ALLOW_KERNEL" hook and the loader is NOT blocking the kernel access.
    The argument of the ON_APPLICATION_START hook provides the information if the plugin has kernel access which should be checked before using/relying on this function.
void WUPS_KernelCopyDataFunction(uint32_t addr, uint32_t src, uint32_t len);

If the plugin doesn’t have the required access, calling the functions has no effect.


This macro allows you to use the overlay functions. It’s possible to open a simple OSScreen whenever the home menu is allowed.
WUPS provide to a convinient way to open and use such a menu using the following functions:

// Callback used when opening the overlay.
// The first wups_overlay_options_type_t tell your which screen are actually used.
// Use this as input for the other overlay function.
// The void* can used for user data.
typedef void (*overlay_callback)(wups_overlay_options_type_t, void*);

// Open an overlay on a given screen (see the enum below for possible values)
void WUPS_OpenOverlay(wups_overlay_options_type_t screen, overlay_callback callback, void* args);

// Clears the screen for a given sceentype
void WUPS_Overlay_OSScreenClear(wups_overlay_options_type_t screen);

// Prints text on a given sceentype
void WUPS_Overlay_PrintTextOnScreen(wups_overlay_options_type_t screen, int x,int y, const char * msg, ...);

// Flips the buffer for a given screentype.
void WUPS_Overlay_FlipBuffers(wups_overlay_options_type_t screen);

Possible screentype options that can be passed to WUPS_OpenOverlay:

typedef enum wups_overlay_options_type_t {
    WUPS_OVERLAY_DRC_ONLY,                          /* Tries to display only on gamepad screen */
    WUPS_OVERLAY_TV_ONLY,                           /* Tries to display only on tv screen */
    WUPS_OVERLAY_DRC_AND_TV,                        /* Tries to display on both screens. Prioritizes the TV screen if memory is low. */
    WUPS_OVERLAY_DRC_AND_TV_WITH_DRC_PRIO           /* Tries to display on both screens. But if memory is low, prioritize the DRC screen.*/

Short usage example:


void SplashScreen_callback(wups_overlay_options_type_t screen, void * args){
    int32_t i=0;
        WUPS_Overlay_PrintTextOnScreen(screen, 0,0,"This could be something cool.");

    WUPS_OpenOverlay(WUPS_OVERLAY_DRC_AND_TV ,SplashScreen_callback, NULL);

A full usage example can be found here:
