Edit me

The Makefile for a plugin is splitted into multiple parts.

  • $(WUPS_DIR)/plugin_makefile.mk - provides some general linking flags
  • $(PLUGIN_DIR)/Makefile - A generic Makefile that should fit for all plugin
  • $(PLUGIN_DIR)/makefile.mk - The part that is plugin specific

The plugin_makefile.mk will be installed automatically into the WUPS_DIR inside the DEVKITPRO when installing the WUPS library.

The Makefile and makefile.mk can be found inside the example plugin. When using the Code::Blocks template, these will be provided.


The makefile.mk should be self explanatory, but common changes will be explained here.

Defined variables that can be used

Inside the makefile.mk multiple variables are already set, here is a short overview.

Varibale Value
$(DEVKITPRO) Refers to the devkitPro directory
$(DEVKITPPC) Refers to the devkitPPC directory
$(WUPSDIR) Refers to the directory of the installed WUPS libary
$(WUT_ROOT) Refers to the directory of the installed wut
$(PORTLIBS) Refers to the directory of the installed portlibs
$(GCC_VER) Contains the installed/used GCC version

Enable logging

# Compiling the projects with libutils logging code?

This is a libutils specific option. When it’s set to 0, no logging related code will be compiled into the binary.

WUT specific options

It’s possible to use some wut speficic options, these require wut to be installed.

# Links against the wut implementation of newlib, this is useful for using any function
# from the C standard library

# Links against the wut implementation of stdcpp, this is useful for using any function
# from the C++ standard library. This will enable WUT_ENABLE_NEWLIB if you have not already done so.
WUT_ENABLE_CPP      := 0

# By default newlib will allocate 90% of the default heap for use with sbrk & malloc, 
# if this is unacceptable to you then you should use this as it replaces the newlib 
# malloc functions which ones which redirect to the CafeOS default heap functions 
# such as MEMAllocFromDefaultHeap.

In most cases you want to enable WUT_DEFAULT_MALLOC to able to use malloc, free etc.

Input / Output

# Target filename
TARGET              := $(notdir $(CURDIR)).mod

# Source directories
SOURCES             := src

# Data directories
DATA                :=	

# Include directories
INCLUDES            := src
  • TARGET defines the output filename. $(notdir $(CURDIR)).mod is the default value which result in DIR_NAME.mod. The file extenstion needs to be .mod to be recognized by the plugin loader.
  • SOURCES defines a list of directories that will be scanned for C,C++ and .s files. Multiple folder are seperated by a space.
  • DATA defines a list of directories that will be scanned for binary files (Like fonts, sounds, images). Multiple folder are seperated by a space.
  • INCLUDES defines a list of directories that will be scanned for head files (.h and .hpp). Multiple folder are seperated by a space.

Compiler and linking flags

# options for code generation and linking
# Extra C AND C++ compiler flags
# Extra C compiler flags
CFLAGS              :=
# Extra C++ compiler flags
CXXFLAGS            :=
# Extra linking flags for all linking steps
LDFLAGS             := 
  • Set COMMON_CFLAGS to specify extra flags for the C and C++ compiler..
  • Set CFLAG to specify extra only C compiler flags.
  • Set CXXFLAG to specify extra only C++ compiler flags.
  • Set LD_FLAGS to add custom linking flags.

Linking with libraries

# list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
# include and lib
LIBDIRS             := $(WUPSDIR) $(WUT_ROOT)

# any extra libraries we wish to link with the project
LIBS                := -lwups -lutilswut -lcoreinit -lnsysnet
# Will be added to the final lib paths
# example: 
# -L$C:/library1/lib
# Will be added to the final include paths
# -IC:/library1/include
EXTERNAL_INCLUDE    :=  -I$(WUT_ROOT)/include/libutilswut

Libraries that will be linked in, need to defined in LIBS, seperated by a space. libwups will be needed by all plugin, all other are optional. Most likely you will link against utility libraries like libutils and wut libraries to use system functions.

The path which contains the according binaries is defined in EXTERNAL_LIBPATHS (with -L as prefix), the path to the header in EXTERNAL_INCLUDE (with -I as prefix), seperated by a space. EXTERNAL_INCLUDE is also used to define other external include files.
LIBDIRS can be used as a shortcut. It refers to directory containing the binaries of the libary in a subfolder called lib, and the header in a subfolder called include.

LIBDIRS             := $(WUPSDIR)

is equivalent to
